Thoughts from my heart

Embracing Trust: The Healing Power Behind My Ri...
Every morning during meditation, I ask my spirit family to help me trust more and have faith that what I'm seeking will come at the right time.
Embracing Trust: The Healing Power Behind My Ri...
Every morning during meditation, I ask my spirit family to help me trust more and have faith that what I'm seeking will come at the right time.

Be careful when a bad day sets in...
Your thoughts manifest in this tangible realm, so don't let a challenging moment dictate your entire day.
Be careful when a bad day sets in...
Your thoughts manifest in this tangible realm, so don't let a challenging moment dictate your entire day.

The Universe has your back!
Your present circumstances are a reflection of the words you've spoken in the past.
The Universe has your back!
Your present circumstances are a reflection of the words you've spoken in the past.

Being grateful raises your vibration for amazin...
Oh, the simple act of embracing gratitude. If you seek to enhance your well-being, foster better communication with others, and attract abundance into your life, gratitude offers a straightforward avenue...
Being grateful raises your vibration for amazin...
Oh, the simple act of embracing gratitude. If you seek to enhance your well-being, foster better communication with others, and attract abundance into your life, gratitude offers a straightforward avenue...

Yeah baby, It's hip to be a square!
Huey Lewis and The News was spot-on with their 1986 hit, "Hip to Be Square." I was just 14 years old at the time! Do you ever feel like you're...
Yeah baby, It's hip to be a square!
Huey Lewis and The News was spot-on with their 1986 hit, "Hip to Be Square." I was just 14 years old at the time! Do you ever feel like you're...

Yes, I am a trained formulator!
Their overwhelming praise moved me to tears as they recognized my grasp of the complex coursework and my ability to produce marketable products, not just items for personal use.
Yes, I am a trained formulator!
Their overwhelming praise moved me to tears as they recognized my grasp of the complex coursework and my ability to produce marketable products, not just items for personal use.